Most of the way up to Olympia was silent, until the following random, or not so random, pondering:
"You know, Mom, the USA is a lot like Israel."
"Really? How do you figure?"
"Well, Israel never really acknowledged God's blessing on their nation...well, I mean, as a whole. There were some people that were faithful, but as a whole, the nation of Israel did not appreciate what God did for them. I mean, that's why they had to stay in the desert with Moses for so long, right?"
"Well, the USA is the same way. Too many people don't appreciate Him in this nation and all that He's done for us. They moan and groan, just like the Hebrews, and some don't even acknowledge Him at all!"
"So, we're just like Israel. Nothing ever changes. We haven't learned anything and are making the same mistakes they did way back then."
"Yes, indeed. There is nothing new under the sun. But, don't forget the remnant. Even in Moses' day, there was always a remnant. Do you know what that means?"
"Ummm...sort of...well....not really."
"Well, God told Elijah when he was down and out that there was a remnant, a group of true and faithful believers that would support Him. That is the remnant. Even today, in America, there is a remnant. So, yes, while a vast portion of the USA hasn't learned or acknowledged God's blessings on our nation, there is and always will be a remnant who gets it."
"Hey! That's us!"
I love the way the way her brain works. Lord, help me guide that blessed brain in Your ways.